You Don't Have to Take Our Word for it...


"The bottom line is that our team has become more effective because of the training received through Kutsko Consulting.

We have depended on the team at Kutsko Consulting for every hire we’ve made since I became President and the culture of our whole organization is better because of it.”

"When I started as the Chief Talent and Culture Officer and began getting to know my new team, the work that the Kutsko Consulting team had done before I arrived was incredibly helpful. It was a crucial part of my first 30 day plan and made it much easier for me to do my job. We are now off and running!”

"My experience with the team at Kutsko Consulting was beyond satisfactory! Working closely with Loren made a high impact on the beginning of my leadership experience. Early on my team needed adjusting, and I need to refine my manager skills; Loren helped make the process go efficiently.”

"We have unique challenges in the medical field as it relates to growing healthy, empathetic teams. Partnering with Kutsko Consulting made a huge difference as our team learned how to effectively communicate and work together in a productive, collaborative environment.”

"The work that the team at Kutsko Consulting does to help our team understand one another and work together more effectively has been extremely beneficial.

We use their assessments and get their insight before we make any major hiring decisions.”

“The Emotional Intelligence learning I participated in was one of the most life-changing experiences I have ever had as a leader and I can’t wait for my whole team to be able to experience it too.”

Product & Service Feedback

It was really informative to see how other colleagues work/fall on the chart. There were some surprises initially, but after reflecting those surprises made sense. I know that I will be able to work better and more efficiently with these colleagues in the future.

Felt like this was a great session. Very informative in breaking down the DISC characteristics and making it easy to digest. Kept me engaged the whole time and allowed for me to share any feedback that I personally had

It was a great session and I learned a lot about the other people on our team. I thought lining up based on DISC ratings was very impactful to see where everyone fell on the spectrum.

It was great to really understand who the members on our team were and be able to dive into the relationships, personalities, and abilities in a way that we can use moving forward.

3 Things: 1) I learned things about myself 2) I am better equipped to communicate with teammates 3) I am better equipped to further our mission of helping families flourish.

I thought it went well.

Loved the activities and reflection related to DISC and Driving Forces - would love to see more application to industry or program case studies


I thought overall it was a great experience.

Great activities

Go into this with an open mind with your team

Enjoyable and refelctive

Thought this was a good course in that we can work on it at our own pace and the sections were very detailed.

This session for extremely helpful. Having a facilitator and expert on the sciences was key.

I found the initial conversation to be very insightful and meaningful. Good balance of listening and explaining.

Lauren did a great job in going over the the results.

Insightful, inspiring

Thank you so much Lauren for your insightful & practical help in understanding and applying my personal work-style to my communication and activities with coworkers.

I think it was helpful that you asked me my expectations early and that you helped me see how scores flesh out in life

I have never walked through a personality assessment like this. Lauren was great at explaining everything in depth, using examples and illustrations, while allowing me time to process through and make the results easier to apply.

Loren and Lauren make a great team. I immediately got a sense that hey genuinely want to help me grow - and that the same is true for every other member of our team.

Everyone on our team feels like they have a friend with Kutsko consulting. They are both extremely relational and professional. We are able to communicate more effectively and avoid stressful misunderstanding. Bottom line is our team has become more effective because of the services they provide.

I loved this team meeting. I think the material is very interesting and the presenters are very engaging. I would have loved more connecting excercises or mini projects that would allow room for the material to be more applicable/tangible.

This was incredible! This type of development is critical to healthy leadership, but sadly is too often neglected.

Found this to be very helpful with very helpful facilitators.

I thought the meeting was great, it helped me to understand the results and learn about others on my team. I think this will be very beneficial.

Lauren was incredible, thoroughly enjoyed the time!

Lauren was great. Very easy to talk to, knowledgeable, and helpful. I really appreciated her insight and, at times, encouragement. Have yet to me Loren, but would definitely recommend you guys based on my experience so far.

Really appreciated and enjoyed the comfortable, relaxed environment that Lauren provided to have an open conversation. Left the meeting feeling affirmed in the gifts and skills I bring to my organization, as well as with some helpful tools to begin implementing better communication and empathy with my team. Thank you!

Podcast Reviews

If you want to be the best leader that you possibly can then call Loren or Lauren Marie at Kutsko Consulting. Kutsko will help you apply the eight Dimensions to your team. Whether you are a leader in your first leadership position, or if you have been a leader for four decades, the eight dimensions cover in a concise clear way, the basic issues of being a good leader. If you are a new leader you will learn the eight dimensions of being a strong leader. If you have been leading teams for four decades, the podcast is a great reminder of how you can keep your leadership strong.

Listening to Lauren and Loren I walk away with a couple of items I can work on each episode. I enjoy the real life scenarios they use and the examples from their experience! A great podcast to share!

I’m only one pod in so far but I can already tell this is an amazing podcast done by two people who are true experts in the field. Lauren and Loren have great rapport and play off each other so well to make this easy to listen to and understand. I’ve been in a leadership position for several years and I think their points on how to be a truly effective leader are spot on! Wish I had this available years ago…could have saved a lot of trial and error LOL!

Hey, I just listened to Lauren and Loren. They both are very knowledgeable about leadership and their desire to influence the world with “better leadership” is evident from their belief that “Business is Personal. So let’s be good at it”.

And true to their mission, we will all become better at it, and may just reach “good” at some point! This is a podcast that can transformation your leadership, but like Lauren says, it’s not just knowledge, we have to put these principles into practice. I journey with them on “getting good at it”, this is personal.

This podcast is super helpful for anyone who serves in a leadership or management role. I appreciate how Lauren Marie and Loren offer practical advice but also discuss how issues like Emotional EQ, trust, and compatibility impact team dynamics.

Not being a natural at managing others, this cast has been extremely helpful as I seek to become a better manager and grow my team. Solid practical ideas to implement with your team right away and see results.

This podcast is great for leaders but also can apply to any working relationship. Great information and easy to understand. Highly recommend.

Great dialogues around leadership and health/healthy culture in the workplace! Leaders and employees alike will find this well worth their time.

Insightful and practical content from two experienced and trained leaders who also happen to be excellent communicators. I highly recommend!

Great podcast! Lauren and Loren totally hit the mark on all things leadership. This podcast is a perfect supplement to a professional leadership program I’m taking through work. They’re capturing many of the current thoughts on leadership development in a relatable, enjoyable, and inspiring way. I can’t wait to hear the rest of the series!

These folks are researched, accessible, and personable. Having listened now to a few leadership platforms now, the Kutskos program is the one I’m going to invest in.

The information is presented clearly with examples for how to implement. My desire is to achieve results while treating people the way I’d like to be treated and this podcast was helpful. I recommend.

The Kutskos are clearly very good at what they do. Their dialogue helps to fill in what the other is saying, clarify points and add more to the discussion. Definitely worth a listen!

Kutsko Consulting is intelligent, warm and delivers amazing holistic solutions. Loren and Lauren offered crucial advising to me while I was in the midst of a very difficult situation. I experienced service that combined relational warmth and an elite business acumen. I left each session feeling empowered and equipped to make decisions that have proven very fruitful.

This podcast is gold. It is a genuine exploration of how EQ (Emotional Intelligence) impacts teams and the larger organization. Loren and Lauren Marie use their own experience in the marketplace and understanding of brain science to help leaders of all types be emotionally intelligent leaders.

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